Now a days everyone of us wants a website may be for personal use or to set up a startup e-commerce site or a blog. With so many options available here are few of the services i use and would recommend.

Cheap Hosting with Free SSL – Hostinger India

If you dont want to spend much on a server and want to have a website /blog with Free Basic SSL certificate then go for hostinger, they have good pricing offers if you buy for 3-4 years which would come around INR 4000 for 4 years i.e for 1000/year you get a server with Basic SSL certificate. You can also Buy domain names from here. Click On the banner below for their pricing.

Cheap Webhosting with FREE SSL, get https URLs at good price

Shared Cloud SSD Hosting Powered by cPanel – FastComet

If you are looking for a relaible and faster server with cloud server features and faster SSD storage with great 24/7 Support and litespeed server. This is the best choice to go for. For a basic startup and also for high end heavy websites this server is the best option to go for.

Everything you need to start your online venture in a matter of minutes

Managed WordPress Cloud Hosting – Cloudways

WordPress hosting on top IaaS providers ensures maximum performance, security, and high-availability. Managing Cloud servers using cloudways is much easier. They have tie up with the following cloudserver providers

  • DigitalOcean
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • Vultr
  • Linode
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